Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Casualties of War

Well have almost made it through week 3...not without a few casualties along the way. A few kitchen items have been sacrificed for the good of the cause but we march on in the war against sugar.  
Tonight my husband cooked my two favorite veggies-peas and butternut squash and he made me healthy sweets for dessert :)

It still works...functionality over aesthetics now!

My husband tried to burn the house down :(

At least he didn't burn the chicken :P

Sugar-free, flower-free, GAPS cookies: Inspired by Mom, Made by my husband... eaten by ME! :)


  1. In the kitchen, there will be "casualities"!!! I am still very impressed by your husband's cooking! Makes a Mom feel good! Love you both!

  2. Me too! :) I don't know what we are going to do when we are both doing online classes! They are crazy!
