Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Casualties of War

Well have almost made it through week 3...not without a few casualties along the way. A few kitchen items have been sacrificed for the good of the cause but we march on in the war against sugar.  
Tonight my husband cooked my two favorite veggies-peas and butternut squash and he made me healthy sweets for dessert :)

It still works...functionality over aesthetics now!

My husband tried to burn the house down :(

At least he didn't burn the chicken :P

Sugar-free, flower-free, GAPS cookies: Inspired by Mom, Made by my husband... eaten by ME! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First Day of GAPS

The broth we drink every morning.
Yesterday Nathanael and I started the full GAPS diet. We began our day with a cup of water and a probiotic then we enjoyed a cup of beef broth! Afterwards I had some eggs. Yesterday also was my first day as an Administrative Assistant at my new job! It was a lot of fun, but there's a lot to learn! For dinner we enjoyed PIZZA! Our favorite except to be GAPS appropriate we had an almond crust and yogurt cheese. Nathanael made some turkey sausage that was delicious! The only thing I thought was lacking was my beloved Black Cherry Soda. :(

Our delicious pizza - We get the leftovers tonight!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our Last of Sugar

Tomorrow begins the GAPS diet, so tonight we decided to have a small party of strawberries and cheesecake! I also enjoyed my last soda for awhile :( This will be an interesting feat for both of us. The reason why we are about to endeavor this crazy diet is because Nathanael is trying to cure his asthma and we are both trying to cure our tummies, so they are better able to digest food. We decided to begin the full GAPS diet after graduation, which I thought would never get here, but sadly it did. So tomorrow we begin the full GAPS diet. On June 11, 2012, we will begin the Introduction diet, which is much harder.
Strawberry Cheesecake!
My last Black Cherry Soda :(